Friday, January 17, 2014

The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is perhaps the most recognizable charity in the world. Their symbol is undeniable, as the sign of the cross is associated with love, support and medical care. There are various reasons why this charity deserves all of the credit that it receives each year. The workers for the American Red Cross are often the very first people to arrive after a disaster strikes. They put themselves in harm’s way to provide humanitarian aid to people who have been sick or injured during times of war. Sometimes it is their actions which single handedly save countless lives in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

There are many roles that the American Red Cross serves. Their most visible role occurs in the form of disaster relief. Statistics show that the American Red Cross responds to roughly 70,000 natural disasters each year. This includes responses to families in crisis as well as entire cities. The American Red Cross is the single largest supplier of blood in the U.S. Each year roughly 4 million people donate blood to this charity in order to help others. For this reason, they have become one of the most important first responders after a natural disaster or crisis.

The devastating tsunami which struck multiple countries in 2004 allowed the American Red Cross to truly flex its muscle. This event was both historic and heart breaking. Following the massive earthquake which occurred off of the coast of Japan, a tsunami wave made its way ashore on several countries. Entire towns and villages were completely wiped out by the oncoming waves. Thousands of people were swept up in the deadly debris and waves, never to be found again. Those who were left behind faced a perilous road ahead, but the American Red Cross was ready to help. An event of this magnitude leaves many people instantly homeless and without food or water. The American Red Cross was there to provide the care that hey needed.

Besides helping others to get better and return to their normal lives, the American Red Cross offers important training as well. They provide health and safety courses to people who want to learn what they should do in the case of an emergency. These courses include first aid, lifeguard and CPR training. You know they must be doing something right because each year about 9 million people take part in these important training courses. Anyone who works in close proximity to others, or who is responsible for the welfare of other people should take these course. This includes teachers, principals, mentors, siblings and many more.

If you have never had the chance to donate to a charitable organization of your choice, then now is the time. You can be sure that the money you donate to the American Red Cross is money well-spent. This charity is there when people need them the most, thus making them one of the most important charities in the modern era.

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